Saturday, July 19, 2008

WebTesting - Fiddler, Visual Studio 2008, MOSS

This post has moved here: Programmer Computer


Anonymous said...

This is a good post because I am learning fiddler now. :)

But when I use fiddler to record the website , save it as visual studio web test (test.webtest), open VS 2008 test project , and add an existing item (test.webtest), I find test.webtest doesn't have any requests, do I miss something here?

Thank you,


Anonymous said...

Just in case someone else wondering why there is no talkie with internet:
It is because you did not set a valid proxy.
You can do it by going to your test root node and right click to properties. Edit the proxy value to "default" or any valid proxy you have.

Unknown said...

Iguana, thank you for this excellent post. I am using Visual Studio 2008 team suite and there are limitations what VS tester cannot do. Using Fiddler can make up the areas we need for testing as well as expandeding the test to the business users who do not have VS installed on their machine.

Mary Wang

Anonymous said...

Gret post

It worked for me..

Of course saved a lot of time.. Thanks.
